The Differences Between Fundamental Analysis and Technical Analysis in Investing


In the world of stock investing, there are two major approaches to analyzing investments: Fundamental Analysis and Technical Analysis. Each approach has unique characteristics, and selecting the right one depends on your investment goals and time horizon.

What is Fundamental Analysis?

Fundamental analysis involves evaluating a company’s intrinsic value and growth potential, making it well-suited for long-term investing. This analysis focuses on the following aspects:

  • Performance: Examining the company’s revenues and profits.
  • Assets and Liabilities: Assessing whether the financial situation is healthy.
  • Growth Potential: Determining if the company is poised for future market share expansion or product development.

For instance, if a company consistently generates stable profits and has promising growth prospects, its stock price is likely to rise in the long term. However, fundamental analysis also requires predicting economic conditions and industry changes, which can be challenging.

What is Technical Analysis?

Technical analysis, on the other hand, focuses on analyzing stock price movements and charts. It is more suitable for short-term trading. Key techniques include:

  • Chart Analysis: Interpreting patterns in stock prices and trading volumes.
  • Historical Price Trends: Identifying upward or downward trends in the past.

By using past data to forecast future stock price movements, technical analysis helps in determining the optimal timing for buying and selling. However, there are risks of incorrect predictions, and sudden large price movements can complicate trading decisions.

My Investment Style

I personally aim to invest in companies with long-term growth potential, which is why I primarily rely on fundamental analysis. My goal is to identify excellent growth companies that I can hold onto for 10 to 20 years with confidence.

For example, I look for companies with a history of consistent upward performance and stable earnings. I also evaluate whether the company has a market or technological advantage that ensures its continued growth.

That said, I also incorporate technical analysis as a supplementary tool. Specifically, I use charts to confirm if a company’s past performance has been consistently positive and to identify undervalued buying opportunities. By combining fundamental analysis as the main approach with technical analysis as a complementary method, I aim to improve the accuracy of my investment decisions.


Both fundamental analysis and technical analysis have their strengths. Fundamental analysis is ideal for long-term investing, while technical analysis works well for short-term trading. For those pursuing long-term investment, like myself, fundamental analysis is an indispensable tool for identifying a company’s true value.

However, no analysis method is perfect. Ultimately, it is crucial to choose the approach that best suits your investment style and to combine these methods effectively.

